Grassroots Invention Group (GIG) @ the MIT Media Lab
The Grassroots Invention Group or GIG
is a Research Group at the MIT
Media Lab that focuses
on engineering and disseminating powerful low-cost design
and fabrication technologies at a grassroots level. GIG
conceptualized and presented the Learning Independence Network
to a group of collaborators in Costa Rica, as a model for
developing and implementing a Constructionist approach to
development. GIG has also provided the initial technological
tools for this project. Notably the
Tower System, an extensible modular computational prototyping
toolkit, is a central component of the tools in the FAB
LAB, that are currently being used for rapid prototyping
by Esperanza members in Costa Rica. The Costa Rica FAB LAB
is the first international site in a network of FAB LABs,
a project of the MIT Center for Bits and Atoms or CBA
that GIG has been leading in collaboration with the
Physics and Media Group at the MIT Media Lab.
Many members of GIG, in particular Christopher Lyon and
Timothy Gorton, are actively involved in this project.
The Central American Institute of Business Administration
or INCAE, is a member
of the Digital Nations or DN
Consortium at the MIT Media Laboratory. The Center for Competitiveness
and Sustainable Development or CLACDS
actively participates in and supports Esperanza. The political
backing of INCAE’s President, Roberto Artavia, and Alberto
Trejos (at the time Dean of INCAE and now the Minister of
Foreign Trade of Costa Rica) and the sustained support of
Arturo Condo, and Juan Carlos Barahona have been key not
only for the relationship between INCAE and the MIT Media
Lab, but also for the formation of Esperanza.
CLACDS aims to help leaders in the private, public, and
civic sectors in Central America implement changes promoting
sustainable development in order to optimize economic growth,
social equity, and environmental balance in the region.
INCAE’s very first and specific action within Esperanza
is the design and development of the graduate course in
Technology Management by Professor Luis López. The goal
of the course is to, foresee the business and commercialization
potential and possible markets for the prototypes designed
by researchers at the Costa Rica Institute of Technology
who are participating in LIN.
Ana Maria Majano, Executive Director of CLACDS and researchers
Cristian Cortés and Wendy Rodríguez are also active collaborators
of the initiative. INCAE is also interested in promoting
Learning Independence Networks in other countries in Central
LUTEC @ The Costa Rica Institute of Technology or
Costa Rica institute of Technology or TEC
is a public university in Costa Rica created to educate
professionals with a solid scientific, technological and
humanistic background. Its mission is to contribute with
Costa Rica’s development through education, research and
outreach programs. It aims to maintain a scientific and
technical leadership in science, technology and academic
excellence, fully respecting ethical, humanistic and environmental
Professors Milton Villegas-Lemus, Juan Córdoba,
and Marcela Guzmán professors in Computer Science,
Industrial Design and Communications respectively, have
organized the LuTec Project (The Luthiers -- from French,
a string instrument constructor -- of Technology) to organize
TEC's participation in Esperanza. LuTec is focusing on the
development of the first interdisciplinary and multi-level
course within TEC aiming to design and develop appropriate
technology resonant with local needs. The course has recruited
university students from different departments within the
university (Computation, Electronics and Industrial Design)
and has also attracted and supported participation from
the Scientific and Technical (Vocational) High Schools and
also has involved MBA students from INCAE. TEC's involvement
in the network began with the full support of the former
president of TEC, Alejandro Cruz.
LuTec also hosts the first FAB LAB in Costa Rica, and
the first one installed outside the United States, that
has raised high expectation not only in TEC, but in the
country in general.
In order to design and develop technology that is locally
appropriate and relevant, professors and students in the
course keep in constant communication with the other partners
in the Network.
LUMEN @ The School of Education at the University
of Costa Rica or UCR
The School of Education at University of Costa Rica or
UCR is an active node
in Esperanza. With the backing of the President of UCR,
Gabriel Macaya, as well as the full and active support and
participation of the Dean of School of Education, Sandra
García, Julia Alonso, from the Program for Advanced Technologies
in Education or PROTEA, coordinates UCR’s participation
in Esperanza through LUMEN (from Latin for a light or a
lamp). LUMEN is a research project whose goal is to rethink
the design and development of teacher education courses,
mainly those that involve the use of digital technology
to support the learning process. Other researchers involved
in LUMEN besides Dean Sandra García and Julia Alonso, are
Flora Salas, Zoila Rosa Vargas and Wilfrido Gonzaga.
LUMEN is in constant dialogue with other projects in Esperanza,
mainly LuTec at the TEC.
Little Intelligent Communities or LINCOS
Lincos , a Community
Center designed based on a constructionist approach to education
and development, is equipped with new digital technologies
that promote sustainable human and community development
in both rural and urban settings in developing countries.
LINCOS enables community members to use digital and other
technologies to improve their education, health care and
environmental monitoring and offers electronic commerce
and government services. So far, two LINCOS have been installed
in Costa Rica and ten in the Dominican Republic.
LINCOS researchers and community members are working closely
with students from the TEC to jointly design and prototype
more appropriate and low-cost technologies for environmental
and health monitoring applications at all LINCOS sites.
Technical and Scientific High Schools @ The Ministry
of Public Education or MEP
The Ministry of Public Education of Costa Rica or MEP
has the mission of fulfilling the constitutional right that
guarantees education for all in the country. MEP administrates
the educational public system that includes formal K through
12 institutions, as well as public informal and adult education.
MEP is participating in Esperanza with a project called
Digital Opportunity. Our goal is to develop an integrated
educational approach that establishes genuine links between
high schools in different tracks (technical, academic, artistic
and humanistic), the One Room School system in the country
(rural, elementary schools) and TEC. The students will develop
a stronger sense of themselves as learners, activists, and
inventors through engagement in long-term active and meaningful
learning experiences with great potential for individual
and community development.
In particular, the director of Technical Education, Fernando
Bogantes, and the founder of the national system of Scientific
high schools, Víctor Buján, as well as Carlos
Barrantes from Promece and Rocío Alvarado from the
One Room Schools are leading a strong team of collaborators
within MEP and working closely with Professors Milton Villegas-Lemus
and Juan Cordoba from the TEC for the implementation of
Digital Opportunity. Deputy Minister Wilfrido Blanco is
fully supporting the project and has appointed Mónica
Riveros to lead the administrative organization of the project
within MEP.
Cientec Foundation
Cientec is a non-profit
organization whose mission is to promote and popularize
science and technology. To do so, Cientec produces and distributes
educational material, and develops programs and activities
for families, teachers and the general public. Some of Cientecs
programs are: Math for the Family, Science and Play, Astronomy
in the Park and Mathematical Equity. Cientecs website
has been recognized as one of the most visited in the country.
Alejandra León, Cientecs executive director,
as well as the Foundations Board of advisors are fully
supporting the participation of Cientec in Esperanza to
popularize the findings and the ideology of the project.
Cientec and GIG are in the process of designing a Science
and Technology Digital Newsletter for Cientecs website
where students and teachers around the country submit articles
and review submission of others on themes that resonate
with goals of Esperanza. The most well recognized scientists
in the country will serve as advisors for students and teachers
who wish to publish in the Newsletter. The newsletter will
also have a space for the invited scientists to publish
generally accessible articles about their own research.
The Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio)
is a scientific institution with social orientation. It is non-profit and for
the public good and its mission is to promote a new awareness of the value of
biodiversity, and thereby achieve its conservation and use to improve the quality
of life. With the support of its Executive Director, Dr. Rodrigo Gámez and its
BioInformatics Director Dr. Erick Mata, INBio has recently joined Esperanza through
its Education for BioDiversity Program. INBio is developing an Interactive Educational
Program that will promote interactive learning of biodiversity contents and values
with the use of digital technology for personal fabrication. It is a non formal
program, targeted to highschool youngsters.