
How to obtain Towers

Unfortunately the Tower system is not currently available to the general public. We are producing limited numbers of Towers for our own use and use by our colleagues at the Media Lab and the Media Lab Europe in their research projects. We would also welcome well-formulated proposals for collaborations that would either make a significant contribution to the Tower system or make a very innovative use of the existing system.

Please be aware that we do not have the resources to provide Towers from our own budget. At most, we can loan you a single Foundation and a few layers as samples for up to a month to determine if it meets your needs. Please contact us before submitting a sample request. Also please be aware that lead times may be greater than one month if new parts must be manufactured for your use, please contact us for more information. Towers may be requested using the following procedure:

  • Make an account for yourself on the tower support forums [http://tower-support.media.mit.edu]
  • Activate your account using the email that the system will send you
  • Use your username and password to log into the tower-tracker system [http://tower-support.media.mit.edu/tower-tracker]
  • The system will send us an email telling us that you want to be able to request towers. We'll go into the system and allow you to do so, and we'll email you to tell you that this has been done.
  • Go back to the tower-tracker system and log in, select "Request" and
    create a new request. Note that the system doesn't submit your request to us until you change its status and submit it explicitly.

(C) MIT Media Laboratory, July 2002