CodaChrome Workshop

(Note: This material was compiled by Margarita Dekoli at the MIT Media Lab and was last updated on 3/3/2003)


A. The Context

The CodaChrome system was used by 7 students to create electronic jewelry during a workshop that took place at the MIT Media Lab on the 27&28th of February 2003.

B. The Participants

The participants were 6th-grade students from the Watertown Middle School that came with their teacher, Ms. Kay McGarrity.

They worked with researchers from the MIT Media Lab, Margarita Dekoli and Andrew Sempere on the construction of their electronic jewelry and the programming of their color patterns.

C. The Workshop

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D. The Jewelry made with CodaChrome

  After the first day:

At the end of the second day:

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E. The workshop ends with a photo shoot

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F. When I was cleaning up ... I found a present: